Sharing my personal experiences as a Reiki Master to support others

Posts tagged ‘Reiki and depression’

…to begin again.


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There was something weighing heavy in my heart as I approached these last few weeks of pregnancy.  I was feeling scared, filled with butterflies from my pelvis to my heart.  This feeling radiated outward from my chest; and I knew releasing these feelings were key to a progressive and calm labor.  Moreover, I didn’t want these feelings present as I begin my new relationship with my baby girl.


And this morning I was finally ready to let go of these emotions through a Holy Fire Reiki meditation.  As a Karuna Reiki Master, I learned several meditations and mantras that support healing past experiences.  I chanted three mantras that focused on my trusting life, manifesting my goals, and healing my heart.  As I chanted these mantras with my hands on my pelvis and heart, out of no-where I heard the phrase, “begin again.”  Hearing those words immediately connected with the tightly bound ball of emotions I had.  I thought, “begin again, yes, that is what I want to do.”  I want to be ready to begin again, to begin another new life in my little family, to go through labor and delivery again.  To begin again.  And I began to cry.  As I released a load of feelings, I felt validated.  These are truths, worthy feelings that come with a pregnancy after loss.  Not everyone experiences this, but they do exist.

As that release of emotions passed through me, there was a bit more heartache remaining.  So I invited Holy Fire Reiki to come in to me.  I wanted to replace any residual anxiety with love, compassion, and confidence.  With an immediate answer, I felt the presence of warmth and love flow through me like a soothing wave.  I felt at peace.  And with my hand on my heart, I heard a voice say, “you have everything you need within you.”  Again, I cried when I heard these words.  And through these tears and gasping breaths, I released the fears that were holding me back.  Holding me back from moving forward with this new little one, this new little girl, Lolo’s baby sister.

And now, I am ready.  Ready more than I have been before, because of this Reiki meditation.  And if any lingering feelings come back around, I will fill myself with Holy Fire Reiki and trust that I have everything I need within me.

I am now ready to bring my little tiger into the world.  We cannot wait to meet her.

Thank you for reading and being open to Reiki.  It is my joy to bring peace to others using Reiki.  With love and compassionate embraces,


…with the gift of grace.

Postpartum and depressed feelings; call it what you will.  I was sad, depressed, and gave myself the grace to embrace these characteristics because I wasn’t tending to my son like I imagined I was going to be.  I gave myself grace to sleep, cry, and remain in the same clothes for days.  Grace for days instilled in my heart.

GiveyourselfgraceNo longer was I to dream about it; die from it, escape from it, near to it.

Grace.  For the love of it, for the love of myself.  Let my soul sleep, remain in peace in the quiet in the stillness until I am ready to come out again.  And now, here I am.  Grace, a moment of grace, a moment of time to give yourself.  Grace, a moment of time to give yourself grief, a break.


Dedicated to my son, my soul, and my fellow mamas and daddys who need more grace.

~Christine Markowski, Usui/Holy Fire II Karuna ® Reiki Master