Sharing my personal experiences as a Reiki Master to support others

Archive for January, 2013

…I encourage the reflection of Year 2012

Lincoln City, Oregon ~ by C. Funk Markowski

by C. Funk Markowski

At the end of each year, I go back through my planner and photos because they capture events in my life.  These events occur often; and since time consistently goes on, life feels like it flies by.  But when I’m looking through a planner and photos, time seems to slow down; I can re-live experiences for another instance before the year is over.  And yes, I re-visit all memories, whether these events were filled with successes or failures.  This is reflection and it gives me a sense of closure.

I read through my planner, month-by-month, then day-by-day, to see what I wrote down.  From dinner parties, Reiki groups, vacations, “To Do” list items, and events that remind me of personal frustrations; all of those memories reflected upon, now become lessons learned.  These lessons prepare myself for what I want to do in the upcoming year.  I want to create another good, or even yet, a better year.  So, I keep in mind of which activities brought me the most love and joy, and plan to do more of that activity in the future.

If you don’t have a way to create closure to 2012, I hope you try this approach.  From reading your July calendar with the words ‘Starbucks 3:30’ that sparked a memory of the best coffee you ever had, to seeing a blank December weekend which sparked your memory of a lazy weekend, these events and joys may be reasons you enjoyed 2012.  Be sure to count even the slightest blessings that happen in your life, and go create more in 2013.  For today is the first day of 2013, welcome!

~May you make each day better than the previous; and may you not let yesterday’s defeats ruin today.  ~Christine