Sharing my personal experiences as a Reiki Master to support others

Since I began Reiki, there were several sensations that I used to feel when Reiki would flow through me.  Nowadays, some of those sensations have subsided and given way for other sensations to emerge.

If you are a beginner who is questioning your self, do not doubt.  I have experienced and heard about several ways one person can experience Reiki.  As you read my experiences, do not think that what I write is what you should be feeling.  Just because the temperature of your hands is neither warm nor cool does not mean Reiki is not working.

Temperature is not the only sensation to be aware of either.  Become aware of sensations in other parts of your body.  For example, my left foot used to feel like it was on fire.  But now I feel “butterflies in my stomach”, and the need for a deep exhalation.

Lastly, sometimes when you concentrate too much to “feel” or “see” something, you cannot.  My story is that I try so often to see color and auras.  I did not have the clairvoyance to “see” a color…until one day the color of red flashed in front of my mind.  And at that exact moment, it was prevalent that I did indeed see red and there was no need to question myself, “was that red?”  To my surprise, it was then I realized that I have been seeing colors like that all along!  I just didn’t have a label for what I was seeing was “seeing.”

Be aware of the possibilities and enjoy!   ~Christine

Comments on: "…my perceptions have changed" (1)

  1. How cool to figure that out! I had a similar experience when I was taking a class in energy healing. I was trying to feel a person’s grounding with my hands. Nothing. But, when I engaged all of my senses, I “saw” a straight, strong, cedar tree trunk, and knew that it represented the person being very strongly grounded.


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