Sharing my personal experiences as a Reiki Master to support others

Posts tagged ‘hypothalamus’

with pregnancy sickness

Image from Sandra Cook,

Good morning readers and followers!  It has been a few months since my last post, but it is for good reason.  I’m pregnant!  For several months, I’ve been acclimating to the changes occurring in my body as I nourish the little one.  During this time, I have given myself Reiki and am excited to blog about the benefits of Reiki during pregnancy.

Throughout my first trimester, I suffered morning sickness symptoms.  However, the symptoms manifested in the afternoon and lasted the entire evening.  I counted the blessing that I was able to keep my foods down; but the first three months weren’t easy.  I endured several ailments that made me feel miserable at times.  From slight nausea and a roller coaster ride with my blood-sugar levels to mental exhaustion and irregular heart poundings.

After seeing Reiki alleviate pain in those I have treated, I couldn’t wait to feel the effects of Reiki during pregnancy.  Not to my surprise, there were days when my nausea subsided after a Reiki treatment.  During one of my treatments, I began my Reiki session as normal, with my hands on my head in the traditional first position.  After a few minutes in this position, I decided to place my hands at locations where my immediate needs were.  I placed one hand on my heart and the other hand on my stomach.  At these areas, I intended for the energy to balance my heart rate and ease my nausea.  After three to five minutes, I then moved both of my hands to my stomach.  My hands stayed there for a longer period of time, approximately five to 10 minutes.  Lastly, I moved my hands back towards my head to hand positions, two, three, and four; top of head, ears, and behind the head, respectively.  At these locations, I intended the energy to balance both the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.  These two glands produce and secrete the pregnancy hormones; which is the speculated reason nausea occurs during pregnancy.  After my treatment, the nausea subsided and I felt more rested than when I started the treatment.

Although my pregnancy sickness was not as severe as others’, I still experienced moments when I didn’t even have strength to give myself Reiki-and giving Reiki doesn’t require a lot of work.  I would have loved someone to come over and give me Reiki while I just lay there.  If you or someone you know is pregnant and may be interested in trying Reiki during pregnancy, please contact me.  I’d love to chat.


…I relieved a breast cancer survivor

I once had the opportunity to treat a breast cancer survivor preparing to return to the doctor’s office for another battle.  But before she went in for another treatment, she wanted Reiki.  Nowadays, it is common to hear that chemotherapy and radiation patients couple those treatments with Reiki.  Recent studies show that the nausea and pain experienced after chemo/radiation treatments decrease.  What is more is that patients say they feel more calm and accepting about the fact that they are undergoing cancer treatments.

If you have the opportunity to provide Reiki to a cancer fighter, there are a few questions to ask.  First, if you think the individual may have a medical device on their body, please ask.  Since Reiki energy is very concentrated and intense, placing your hands directly over the device could overpower it.  And if the individual answers yes, learn the device’s location and modify your hand positions to evade the area.

Secondly, be sure to study human anatomy.  Our bodies may have separate organs, but these organs also build connected systems. Practitioners may choose to focus only on the cancer-affected area.  Some practitioners, such as myself, choose to work on individual organ, as well as supporting organs.  Either choice is reasonable because Reiki travels to where the body needs healing.  So even if your hands are in one location, the energy may move to the organ suffering the most.

  • During this treatment, the individual wore an external device and had the freedom to remove it from the body.  I treated this woman alongside three other practitioners, and I focused on her head.
  • I first decided to help slow down her busy and worried mind.  I placed my hands in Position 1, and then envisioned the energy sent through my hands slowed down the electric impulses traveling through her neural pathways.
  • After a few minutes, I then placed my hands above her chest area to treat the breast cancer itself.
  • After a few minutes above the mammary glands, I began to think about the various organs in the immune system.  I chose to treat the thymus because one function is to mature the T-cells.  The T-cells, a type of white blood cell, fight against infections.  I moved my hands over the location of the thymus, posterior to the sternum bone.  I stayed there for several minutes and focused on sending powerful, strong, fighting energy.
  • Lastly, I remembered that the woman mentioned suffering from insomnia, or lack of sleep.  Since I knew the pituitary and hypothalamus glands regulate sleep patterns, I wanted to give Reiki to those glands.  They are centrally located within the brain, so I positioned my hands above her forehead.

She was very grateful after her treatment.  I am blessed to have given her a moment of peace and relaxation.


…I master anatomy and physiology

I highly recommend learning about anatomy and physiology.  Learning about receiver’s problem areas and symptoms will help you provide a better treatment to the receiver in hopes of a faster recovery.

Before I begin Reiki treatments, I ask if there are specific areas that physically ache or are giving the receiver pain.  When they tell you physical areas or organs, such as lower back, deciding your locations is easy.  However, the receiver may tell you symptoms or an event that they are struggling with such as; troubles sleeping or trying to quit drinking.

Urinary System Organs

Taking the above examples, if a receiver mentioned troubles sleeping, I would work on their head region because the pineal gland and hypothalamus located in the brain are major organs connected with sleep.  Those would be two locations where my time would be dedicated to.  The locations for quitting drinking; I would dedicate my time to treat the liver, kidneys, and other organs of the urinary system because they are the main organs connected with water balance and clearing toxins from your body.

Please research more about the human body and common diseases that affect normal health.  It will benefit yourself and those that you treat.
